Address City should be All Caps to follow USPS format requirements
The City pick list is in Patient Details - Payer/SS tab and on the line for RP insurance, the billing staff can click and add the address for the person other than the Patient Address, for children or Adults who have someone else pay their Patient Statement mailings.
If the billing staff type the city in all CAPS it prints on the Patient Statement with the city as all CAPS, which is what USPS regulations are required for mailings, All Caps, No punctuation on Patient Statement mailings.
If the billing staff pick from the pull down City pick list, it is only in upper/lower case and that is what Prints on the Patient Statement.
So where can I modify this pull down pick like in Patient Details Payer/SS tab on the RP line in the Subscriber / Responsible Party window for city to always be in All Capital Letters to follow USPS requirements for mailings?
See Ticket 1414179 for attachments and dialog of conclusion that User Voice is needed to address this concern.
Thank you,