Enhancement to Patient Payer/Subscriber Grid in Payer/SS Fee Tab
Requesting the consideration of the following enhancement to the Patient Payer/Subscribers Grid under the 'Payer/SS Fee' tab within Patient Details. We would expect that this enhancement would be applicable to most eCR Customers that need to consistently manage their Medicaid Patients.
Add two additional columns to the grid - preferably before the existing 'Effective Start/End' columns (see attachment):
(1) Medicaid CIN - this would provide a consistent field to record a CIN number for both Medicaid and Managed Medicaid Patients and would provide a straightforward mechanism to reference the Medicaid CIN number for the Power BI Patient Details file / Medicaid ID attribute. This would also eliminate the need to remove 'Effective End' date values for straight Medicaid insurance entries.
(2) Medicaid Recertification Date - currently there is no consistent place to record, report and proactively track a Patient's Medicaid recertification date. Lapses in Medicaid coverage adversely impact billing for Medicaid Patients.
In addition to refining the Power BI Patient Details / Medicaid ID# reporting, we would request that these additional fields be added to appropriate canned eCR Insurance reports including 'Patient Insurance List' (see attachment). This would enable agencies to proactively manage their Medicaid Patients insurance coverage.